Final Major Project
I am currently studying a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design. My final Major project has been an entirely self lead project, based around censorship, an exploration of my own sexuality and finding my place as a female artist in a world viewed primairly through the "Male Gaze".
Other models
At the start of my project I worked with a number of models to learn the basics of photography, studio lighting and how to work with other people (give direction etc.). Some of these photographs have informed later experiments such as print work, but most were done as technical experiments.
All of the photo shoots I did during this project were organised by me, outside of college time, using my own camera and booking professional photographic studios.
One of the first models I worked with was Xenia Jade. She is also a fine art student and this was the third photoshoot she had done. She took direction well throughout and we experimented with a variety of styles and poses. One thing I wanted to focus on during this shoot was annonymity vs. eye conact. I also experimented a lot with black and white vs. colour. I think as a piece of artwork it is easier to view (and associate with) annonymous imagery - eye contact makes an image very personal and often confrontational. I think the black and white style draws more attention to the shapes, highlights and shaddow but there is equally something I love about natural skin tones. I experimented with lighting set ups for the fashion / lingerie shots which I am quite pleased with but require more work.

Click slideshow for full images:

Sarah has been a very good friend of mine for a number of years and owns LP Photografix studio. She is usually behind the camera but I have wanted to photograph her for a long time. I did all the hair and makeup for this shoot along with styling assistance. Sarah helped me experiment with various lighting set ups and whilst these images don't necessarily contribute to my erotic/censorship themes, I found them to be a very important starting point to my photographic journey. I tried to capture a lot of emotion within these images and realised that this is an important aspect of my photography that I would like to pursue moving forward.
Click to see full images:

Sarah.D & Emily Gent
I was invited to join 3 other photographers and two models on a location photo-shoot around Derby. This gave me experience in shooting natural light images and constantly altering my camera settings to work with the changes in weather throughout the day. In the afternoon, we used LP Photografix studio, where I set up the back drop and lights without assistance for the first time. After this shoot I feel much more confident experimenting with different light set ups and also in directing models and communicationg with other photographers.
Click individual slideshows to see full images:
Sarah. D

Emily Gent

Xenia left a reference for me on a photography/model networking site following our photo shoot (quoted from
“II had the pleasure of modelling for Miss Rose yesterday at LP Photografix Studios and I enjoyed every second of it! I had never done any lingerie/topless shoots before but she made me feel very comfortable, she made sure I was happy with what I was doing. Miss Rose being an experienced model she happily gave me advice, ideas and tips, she was very easy to talk to/have a laugh with, even just in general conversation. She showed me photos as we went through different outfits and allowed me to contribute ideas and shared opinions throughout the shoot. She was very quick with showing me unedited photos after the shoot, allowing me to choose my favourites for her to edit and the photos look great! Considering she is usually the one modelling, the photos came out brilliantly and she did a great job! I would highly recommend working with Miss Rose and I would love to shoot with her again! x"
Sarah Goss left a reference for me on a photography/model networking site following our photo shoot (quoted from
"I had a shoot with miss rose for the first time at lpphotografix studio we did low key and a 50s dinner set she is new to being this side of the camera but she dose know what she wants and is not afraid to say or ask to make sure she gets it. I think she will do well as a photographer and I think any model would really enjoy working with her she comes highly recommend from me. Thank you for a lovely shoot I love the photos would love to do more with you sometime X X X"