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Mini update (inc. travel), & shoot review with Vintage2Versace

Scarlot Rose

It's been a while since I posted any shoot reviews (sorry!) but everything seems to have been crazily busy lately, even more than normal!

I'm happy to say that I have finally finished my college course though and am now just waiting for my results (fingers crossed) so my summer has officially started and I am completely embracing it!

I've joined a gym and am working muscles I never knew I had! I have also booked loads of travelling mainly for shoots but a little bit of holiday time too and I'm all set for moving to Leeds in September (well, mentally at least!) here is a quick look at my travel plans before I take a break for starting uni!

May 30th - June 1st: Maidstone, Kent

June 2nd - 4th: London

June 12th - 17th: Derbyshire (mainly)

20th June - 7th July: Derbyshire/Notthingham (local-ish shoots)

8th - 16th July: SCOTLAND! (whoo - see casting for travel plans)

18th - 22nd July: Derbyshire (mainly)

24th & 25th July: Nottingham

29th July - 5th August: New Forest

WOW that looks both exciting and exhausting, if I'm a little slow on the admin please do bear with me - I have even less time off than I realised! (also, after that I will be taking a break to get ready for university and moving house so will be unavailable for at least a couple of months! So if you have any questions/booking requests get them in ASAP.)

For something a bit more "image heavy".... I recently got the opportunity to shoot with John at Vintage2Versace in his wonderful new shop/cafe/gallery/boutique! This place is beautiful and well worth a visit to Newark just to check out his awesome collection of vintage clothing and accessories (available to purchase!)

Here are a few of my favourite images from the shoot (click to enlarge):

I had such a super time with John I left him this reference over on Purpleport:

"Having not worked with John for a few years I was very excited to see the new shop and get together to create some wonderful artwork! Our past shoots have always been fun and I love the ideas John comes up with, I was not disappointed with our most recent shoot; It was absolutely delightful! John invited two other photographers from the Newark Photographic Society (who were also lovely!) and we had a great time!

We used a variety of interesting and unique props (some which I asked to shoot with and others chosen by John), we covered a range of sets and I was amazed at how he transformed the shop into a fully equipped studio! John was (as ever) polite and friendly throughout and I have already seen the images! What a thoroughly lovely evening I can't wait to shoot again!

I highly recommend John to others, he is a real gentleman!

Thank you again, Miss_Rose x"

And he was kind enough to leave me one back:

"Well this was a welcome return to my studio by this lovely lady whom I first shot 5 years ago. She returned this week to be photographed by myself and two members of Newark Photographic Society, and we were highly impressed by her artistry. Her posing is immaculate and her attitude to her work is exemplary - she coped with the demands of three different photographers with ease and gave us brilliant images. Happy to recommend Miss_Rose to any photographer."

Until next time,

Miss_Rose x

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