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A Sunny Sunday in the Peak District

Scarlot Rose

I was very excited from the moment Howard got in touch about shooting together again! As with most people, It had been at least 4+ years since we had worked together and I always get a little bit nervous worrying that I won't be as people remember or they will be disappointed in some way! I certainly hope this wasn't the case here!

We decided to do a location shoot and make the most of the incredible scenery around the peak district so in the 3 hours I managed to take Howard to 4 different locations!! :D I absolutely love shooting outside where possible! I love the contrasts created between smooth, pale skin against the harsh textures of nature. I love the colours and shapes that just can't be found inside!

Howard made a much more eloquent post about recent shoot which can be seen on his website here. He was also kind enough to send me over some of the images! I do find it amazing the way Howard sees things, I'd never think to play with colours in the ways he does!! Howard is also such a gentleman and I always love shooting with him! (just as much as I remember!) I'd highly recommend him to other models!!

(click slideshow to enlarge/see full collection):

Thank you again for a wonderful day Howard!!

Miss_Rose x

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