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Photography Inspiration (Polasquare) Photographer (work seen via instagram) uses Polaroid / wet plate / large format film.

I love the anonymity of the models, the unusual poses and minimal set up. The censorship of the images for social media is interesting. It feels like the photographer has hidden the identity of most models possibly because some images are very explicit but has then had to hide this for social media censorship which completely takes away from the original intention. Although these poses are explicit there is something about the relaxed, unusual poses and post processing/composition that makes them very artistic rather than pornographic. I feel this set of images is incredibly feminine and sensual and I get the impression that the photographer is a woman by the way they view the female form (I say this as I have been a professional model for around 8 years and always see something different in the way women photograph me as opposed to male photographers but have never been able to clearly identify the difference other than the way an image "feels"). I'd really like to explore this further and see if there is a connection to my own personal views and sexuality or whether it is something based around society / social "norms" or whether it's a completely personal thing depending on each photographer. Do I photograph women in a feminine way because that's how I view them as individual people or as a gender specific thing. Is it because I am sexually attracted to delicate, feminine women or is it because I desire to be/be seen as a delicate, feminine woman? Do I photograph men differently? Why? I should also photograph more transgender people to explore the connection and how I view them/how they want to be viewed - perhaps a photography project to explore with George?

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